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Tag: Budget

How to Save on Groceries: Breaking Up with Name Brands

Picture this scenario: you’re steering your shopping cart through the sliding doors of the supermarket, shopping list in hand. As you walk the aisles, there’s a strategy you can use to save an average of 33% on your entire purchase. It doesn’t require any coupon cutting or signing up for

4 Financial Hurdles to Clear on the Road to Retirement

When friends and loved ones finally raise their glasses to bid you a long and healthy retirement, you don’t want to be worrying about how your bills will get paid. That is why it is so important to participate in your company’s retirement plan now. On the road to retirement,

Resolve Not to Do These 6 Things in 2016

It’s tempting to get swept up in dreams of the future and look right past what we need to do today to help make them a reality. So whether you want to improve your credit score, slash your debt or finally start that emergency fund, we’ll be your supporting role

Shop Smart and Safe During the Holiday Season

The end-of-year holiday shopping extravaganza is upon us. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers will spend an average of $805.65 per person celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa or Hanukkah this year. That total includes food and drink, decorations and gifts. If you’re going to be one of those people, it’s best

Affordable Baby-Proofing Tips for Your Home

by Tara Frazier It’s not always easy to keep your little ones safe around the house, but these simple baby-proofing tips can help. Better still, each one can be performed using everyday household objects. Worried about slamming doors and pinched fingers? Pool noodles make great door stoppers. Cut a 6-inch

Money Saving Skills for Traveling/Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is an amazing and inspiring opportunity of a lifetime to venture out into a world unknown. My summer semester in Italy is still remembered fondly as the best time of my life. I made many sacrifices (including using the last of my cash to visit the inside of

Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring cleaning! Time to flip your mattress, dust the ceiling fans, and organize your finances. If you’re unsure where to start, here are some helpful guidelines to getting your fiscal house in order: Create a Basic Filing System Organize your important documents into easy to find folders. Sort your papers

Beginners Guide to Budgeting

A budget is your most powerful financial tool…you just have to know how to use it. A Gallop Poll conducted over the Summer of 2013, found that only 32% of Americans actually have a personal budget. Where do you fall in this group? With a budget to help guide your spending,